söndag 25 juli 2010

I'd never send you back

I wouldn't know what to say
I wouldn't know what to do
If you came back from Heaven
And I could look at you
Would I fumble for the words
Would I be a little shy
Would I bust right out with laughter
Or break right down and cry

Oh, if you came back from Heaven
Would it be like it was then
Could we just pick up where we left off
And try it all again
Oh, if you came back from Heaven
It would freeze me in my tracks
And I hope God knows, if He let you go
I'd never send you back
Do your kisses feel the same
Do you still have the same touch
And will you whisper softly
'Cause you've missed me so much
Have you heard all my prayers
When I laid down at night
And did you feel my body
When I held your pillow tight

Oh, if you came back from Heaven
Would it be like it was then
Could we just pick up where we left off
And try it all again
Oh, if you came back from Heaven
It would freeze me in my tracks
And I hope God knows, if He let you go
I'd never send you back
And if, God forbid,
You leave this earth
Again while I sleep
I hope He knows, if you go
You'll be bringing me
Oh, if you came back from Heaven
Would it be like it was then
Could we just pick up where we left off
And try it all again
Oh, if you came back from Heaven
It would freeze me in my tracks
And I hope God knows, if He let you go
I'd never send you back
I hope God knows, if He let you go
I'd never send you back

Idag går saknaden inte att beskriva med ord!
En klump i magen som e helt omöjlig att få bort.. Den äter upp mej innifrån.
Jag har lärt mej att leva med att dom inte finns här längre, men vissa dagar e verkligen värre än andra. Vissa dagar orkar man bara inte sakna mer. Idag vill jag bara krypa under täcket o stanna där, o hoppas att saknaden kanske e lite bättre imorn.

Livet e förbannat jävla orättvist, de e en sak som e säkert iaf.
Vill ha min mamma.. Mina bästa vänner Anders o Sofia, o min älskade Dennis här. NU!


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